Category Archives: Herts Valley News

EDEN Training

We are about to launch the second year of our Eden training which will be run by our team of local educators – see below the flyer and booking forms.  Please make sure that all members of your team are aware of this programme of free training.

Newsletter HVDE Year 2

Diet and Lifestyle Changes Year 2

Foot Education Year 2

Treatment Targets Year 2

Glycaemic Treatment Options Year 2

Insulin Therapies Year 2 




5th Hertfordshire Diabetes Conference

Please view the draft programme.  This event is nearly full, but we have just released a few more slots, so please book your place if you have not already done so.  You will find the Eventbrite link on the attached flyer.  If you have booked but have decided that you cannot attend, please could you e-mail Lucy Eldon (

You will see that we are holding a Quality Improvement Activity competition again, please view the flyer for more information.  Please think about submitting something, however modest.  I am sure many of you are doing really good work around diabetes particularly in view of the recent Eden programme and we would love to hear about it.   The deadline is Sept 17th – you can submit something to me in any format, and if you could put together a poster for display at the conference that would be great.